Unveiling the Power of Potentization: Unlocking the Secrets of Homoeopathy's Dilution and Succussion:



Dictionary meaning-Potentia-means power, ability to perform

Potential-capable of coming into action

Potentiate-make more powerful

Homoeopathic dynamization is a process by which the medicinal properties which are latent in natural substances while in their crude state, become enable to act in an almost spiritual manner.

History And Evolution of Potentization



“Homoeopathic potentization is a mathematico-mechanical process for the reduction, according to the scale, of crude, inert or poisonous medical substances to a state of physical solubility, physiological assimilability and therapeutic activity and harmlessness, for use as homoeopathic healing remedies”


Dynamic action or power is the action of one substance to another substance without being able to recognize a sensible connection between cause and effect. Homoeopathic dynamizations are processes by which the medicinal properties that are latent in natural

substances while in their crude state, become aroused, and then become enabled to act in an almost spiritual manner on our life, i.e. on our sensible and irritable fibre.

The homoeopathic system of medicine develops for its special uses, to a hitherto unheard of degree, the inner medicinal powers of the crude substances by means of a process peculiar to it and which has hitherto never been tried, whereby only they all become immeasurably and penetrating efficacious and remedial, even those that in the crude state given no evidence of the slightest medicinal power on the human body.

This is effected by mechanical action upon their smallest particles by means of rubbing and shaking and through the addition of an indifferent substance dry or fluid. This is called dynamizing; potentizing and the products are dynamizations or potencies in different degree [aphorism 269, 6th edition, Organon of Medicine]



  • To avoid unnecessary medicinal aggravation and side effects by a continued process of reducing the material quantity of a drug.
  • Medicinal properties that are latent in crude state become aroused and awakened into activity.
  • Substances that are poisonous or toxic in their crude state become important beneficial remedies after potentization, like corrosive acids, poisons, heavy metals, venom, etc.
  • Substances that are medicinally inert in their crude state may be rendered active after potentization.
  • The concept of life, health and disease is not material, but dynamic in nature. Hence the concept of cure is also dynamic-and these properties are revealed by potentization and proving’s.
  • Potentization helps reveal peculiar ‘individualistic’ properties of a drug aiding in selection of the similimum on the basis of similarity of these peculiar individualistic symptoms.
  • Abnormal susceptibilities, constitutional abnormalities, miasms can only be cured by dynamic and deep action of the drug. This is only possible by potentised medicine.
  • The medicinal qualities of other drugs which are more or less active in their natural state are enhanced and the spheres of action are broadened by this process. 


1.  For Trituration a).Centesimal scale b).Decimal scale

2.  For Succussion

a).Centesimal scale b) Decimal scale

c) 50 millesimal scale.




This scale was introduced by Hahnemann in 5th edition of Organon of Medicine, aphorism 270 and is more commonly used.

Centesimal scale of potentization is based on the principle that the first potency must contain the one-hundredth part of the drug and each following, the one-hundredth part of the preceding one.



This scale is designated by suffixing the letter ‘C’ or ‘CH’ to the number indicating the potency,

i.e. the first potency is 1C or 1 CH, followed by 2C or 2 Chand so on. The higher strengths are usually represented by Roman numerals 1M =1,000

10M           =10,000


50M           =50,000


CM            =1,00000



A. For soluble substances (succussion)


“Thus two drops of the fresh vegetable juice mingled with equal parts of alcohol are diluted with ninety-eight drops of alcohol and potentized by means of two succussions, whereby the first development of power is formed and this process is repeated through twenty-nine more phials, each of which is filled three-quarters full with ninety-nine drops of alcohol, and each succeeding phial is to be provided with one drop from the preceding phial (which has already been shaken twice) and is in its turn twice shaken, and in the same manner at last the thirtieth development of power (potentized decillionth dilution

X) which is the one most generally used.” (§ 270 Fifth Edition) 

1.  First stage: Duration 20 minutes. a).First Sub-stage : Duration 10 minutes

1 grain of drug substances is added to 33 grains by weight of sugar of milk in a clear unglazed porcelain mortar. Then it is triturated through the following stages. (i.)Rubbing: 6-7 minutes

It is grinded with pestle. The grinding should be steady and non-stop with uniform forced strength, in one direction either clockwise or anticlockwise.

(ii) Scraping- 3-4 minutes.

It is then scraped from the wall of the mortar to which it adheres and uniformly mixed with spatula for a period of 3- 4 minutes and mixing for a moment.

b). Second sub-stage: Duration 10 minutes it also consists of three phases…. (i.)Rubbing: 6-7 minutes

(ii) Scraping : 3- 4 minutes

Procedure in second sub-stage is almost similar to that of the first sub-stage. Thus 20 minutes of first stage of trituration is completed.


2.Second stage: Duration 20 minutes

This stage is also sub-divided into two sub- stages.

a)      First sub-stage: Duration 10 minutes.

At the beginning of the first sub-stage 33 grains of sugar of milk is added to the triturated substance which has triturated in the first stage. It consists of three phases- (i.)Rubbing: 6-7 minutes

(ii) Scraping : 3-4 minutes

So first sub-stage is completed

b)      Second sub-stage: Duration 10 minutes It also consists of three phases-

(i.)Rubbing: 6-7 minutes

(ii) Scraping: 3-4 minutes


Now the 20 minutes of the second stage is completed


3. Third stage: Duration 20 minutes.

This stage is also sub-divided into two sub- stages.

a)      First sub-stage: Duration 10 minutes.

Here, remaining 33 grains of sugar of milk is added to the triturated substances which are triturated in the second stage. It consists of three phases-

(i.)Rubbing: 6-7 minutes

(ii) Scraping : 3- 4 minutes

So first sub-stage is completed

b)      Second sub-stage: Duration 10 minutes It also consists of three phases-

(i.)Rubbing: 6-7 minutes

(ii) Scraping : 3-4 minutes



This complete sixty minutes of the process and the final and third stage of trituration. 



Although in Hahnemann’s time another method, the decimal scale, which found many adherents among homoeopathic physicians, became popular.

Decimal scale of potentization is based on the principle that the first potency should contain one-tenth part of the potency preceding it.

Dr. Constantine Hering of Philadelphia was the first who introduced the decimal scale.


 The decimal potency is denoted by suffixing the letter ‘X’ or ‘D’ to the number indicating the potency, i.e. the first potency is 1X or 1D in the decimal scale, followed by 2X or 2D and so on.

Potentization Machine Process



A.     For soluble substances (succussion)

·         Take a phial preferably of ten milliliters or bigger size, perfectly clean and new and fit a good new cork into it. Mark the name of the drug with 2X or 2D on the cork.

·         Pour into it, the exact proportion of the mother tincture of the drug (one part), and then added a suitable vehicle like dispensing alcohol (nine parts), taking care that one-third of the phial remains empty for succussions. Put the cork on the phial

·         Grasp the phial in the right hand with the thumb held firmly over the cork and strike it with ten powerful downward strokes of the arm, or by striking the closed right hand against the palm of the left hand or hard but elastic body or by a suitable mechanical potentizer, letting each stroke terminate in a jerk. The 2X or 2D potency is now ready.

B.     For insoluble substances (trituration)


One part by weight of the drug to be triturated is taken. The total quantity of milk of sugar taken is nine parts by weight.

The sugar of milk is divided into three parts [1 part: 3 parts: 5 parts] as per pharmacopoeia. The sugar of milk, according to some authorities may also be divided into three equal parts [3 parts: 3 parts: 3 parts]

The division of sugar of milk is carried out with the understanding that there is a homogenous and uniform mixing of the drug with the vehicle.

The trituration is then carried out with the three parts of sugar of milk, as directed. This is preserved with the level mentioning the name of the remedy with the potency 1X.

For the subsequent potencies, up to 6X, one part by weight of the preceding potency is triturated for one hour with nine parts by weight of sugar of milk as directed to get the desired potency.

A clean, new round phial fitted with a new velvet cork is taken. The cork is marked with the name of the drug to be prepared and 8X Potency written on it. Then the cork is removed and 1 grain of 6X trituration of the drug is put into the phial. 50 minims of purified water is poured over it. The phial is stirred well to dissolve the drug substance. 50 minims of dilute alcohol is added to it and corked it. Give ten succussions to this liquid mixture. Thus 8X potency is prepared. 7X potency cannot be prepared according to decimal scale because if 9 minims of alcohol is taken and success it with 1 grain of 6X potency, then it will not be dissolve.

The preparation of 8X from 6X trituration in this way is known as “jumping or fluxion potency”.


Potentization Machine Process-1

Potentization Machine Process-2

Potentization Machine Process-3

Potentization Machine Process-4 




“I have now, after eighteen months of works, finished the sixth edition of my Organon, the most nearly perfect of all”.

Dr. Hahnemann

(Transalator’s preface, Organon, 6th edition)


“What I said in the fifth edition of the Organon, in a long note to this paragraph in order to prevent these undesirable reactions of the vital energy, was all that the experience I then had justified. But during the last four or five years, however, all these difficulties are wholly solved

by my new altered but perfected method.”

Dr. Hahnemann


(Footnote no. 132, Organon, 6th edition)


“In the new edition of the Organon improved and completed by Hahnemann himself, a new simplified procedure for the potentizing of medicines will be taught, which has considerable advantages over the former and yields a preparations as to the efficiency of which I can, from my own experience give full praise.”

Dr. C. M. F. von Boenninghausen

(The lesser writings, p.74) “The sixth and last edition was also prepared by Hahnemann. The sixth edition, as now extent, is

taken from that in every detail. It is a total revision…there are considerable extensions, especially towards the end. Whole paragraphs with several pages have undergone a totally new arrangement.”

Dr. R. Haehl, M.D.


(Samuel Hahnemann: His life and work, pp.86-87)


“Historically, the book in its sixth edition is of the greatest interest and importance, completing as it does the marvelous array of Hahnemann’s philosophic insight into the practice of medicine.”

Dr. W. Boericke


(Translator’s preface, Organon, 6th Edition)


“Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine goes out to teach symptoms similarity as the experimental basis of pathologic and therapeutic diagnosis, as the echte Heilweg of scientific medicine.”

Dr. James Krauss, M.D.


(Introduction to the Organon, 6th edition)

“The main points which I wish to raise here are either entirely new or somewhat revolutionary when compared with accepted notions divulged and applied in the five earlier editions of the Organon, or points already stated but redrafted and re-examined.”

Dr. Pierre Schmidt


(The Organon and its Hidden Treasures)


“With these marvelous dilutions one can obtain marvelous cures too, and shorter time with the usual centesimal potencies.”


Dr. Charles Pahud


(Experience with Hahnemann’s 50,000th Dilutions.)

“Hahnemann made many changes and some additions in his revision of the fifth edition of his Organon, the most important of which is what he terms his new and improved method….

Dr. Harvey Farrington

(The Real Advantage of 50 Millesimal Potencies, p.15)

  •  Preparation of the second potency (0/2): Only 1 globule (10 no size) of the first potency is taken in a “second new phial” and 1 drop of distilled water is added to dissolve it. 100 drops of alcohol is added and 100 succussions are given.

=2nd potency or LM/2


  • Conversion in the form of globules: With this alcoholic medicinal fluid, globules are again moistened and spread upon blotting paper and dried quickly. These are put into well-stoppered phial protected from heat and sunlight. This is the 2nd degree of dynamization or 2nd potency (0/2, or LM/2, or M/2).
  • The above mentioned process is repeated with one globule to the previous potency to increase it to next potency. The process is continued up to 0/30 or on onwards up to 0/50 or 0/60 as per necessity.

PREPARATION OF THE DOSE FOR LM POTENCIES (6th edition, Organon of Medicine, Apho. 272)

1. Take 1 (rarely 2) globule of the desired potency (usually starting at LM/1) and place it into a clean bottle. The average size of solution is between 4 oz. and 6 oz. of distilled pure water.

Normally this watery solution includes 15 to 20 drops of alcohol, as a preservative and stabilizer. There should be sufficient room for succussions. This medicinal solution is now ready for use.

2. Succuss the bottle just prior to ingestion 8, 10, or 12 times, depending on the sensitivity of the patient. This raises slightly the potency and activates the remedy.

3.   After succussion, take 1 or more rarely 2 or 3 teaspoons of the medicinal solution and place it into 4 to 6 oz. of water in a dilution glass and stir. Most cases are begun with 1 teaspoon and the amount is increases only if necessary; in children the amount may be ½ teaspoon; infants may only need ¼ of a teaspoon. This is the first dose. Throw away the rest.


  • Each dose should be as small as possible, except in primary manifestation of miasm, where it is given in high dose in higher degrees
  • Medicine should be given in many dose
  • Medicine should be given in liquid form only by oral, olfaction, or by milk of mother or nurse.

CONDITION OF APPLICATION OF MEDICINE (6th edition, Organon of Medicine, Apho.246)

  • The medicine selected with utmost care should be perfectly homoeopathic.
  • It should be highly potentised according to Organon, 6th edition.
  • It should be dissolve into water.
  • Smallest possible dose.
  • Subsequent dose higher than previous one.
  • It should be administered after each definite period of time.

If these conditions are fulfilled, a much more rapid cure must be obtained.


If there is any aggravation during the course of treatment we are to decide whether the aggravation is –

(a)  Similar

(b)  Dissimilar



(a)   SIMILAR AGGRAVATION (6th edition Organon of Medicine, Apho. 248) : It may be termed as similar if the aggravation corresponds to the totality of symptoms found at the first prescription, i.e. skin disease aggravated in patient’s suffering from it. Asthma in asthma patient’s. In those cases it must be definitely

taken for granted that the dose were altogether too large. Aggravation due to these

sorts of large doses appear from the first dose. If the medicine is stopped for a day or two or three at best, aggravation due to large doses will disappear gradually.


(b)   DISSIMILAR AGGRAVATION (6th edition Organon of Medicine, Apho.248- 249)

Aggravation due to appearance of new symptoms which were not found in the patient previously may be termed as dissimilar aggravation. If it happens we are to realise that-


  • There is no need for the medicine of first prescription.
  • The first prescription was wrong.
  • If such be the case history of the patient is to be recorded afresh.
  • On the basis of totality of symptoms for the second time medicine is to be selected.
  • If aggravation is violent and unbearable first of all an antidote is to be applied followed by the well selected medicines.
  • If aggravation is tolerable, a newly selected medicine is to be administered without a delay.


  •  Useful in both acute and chronic disease
  •  Action is immediate. Time span for cure is reduced to minimum.
  • Medicine can be repeated if necessary.
  • Convenient to use in hyper sensitive persons.
  • No worry of over dosing
  • Toxic medicine can be used safely and can be repeated frequently
  • Deep acting medicines medicine can be repeated if necessary.


  •  Administration and repeated succussion in between dose is a real obstacle of trust.
  • Illiterate patients must be educated properly.
  •  Limited potency is available
  • All medicines in this scale are not available.
  • No clear mentioning about the amount of water to be dissolved with medicine
  • No mentioning of complementary remedy.
  • Illiterate patients can not properly judge Homoeopathic aggravation. So they will continue medicine even after required dose.


1. CLOSE S. (1921). The genius of homoeopathy. New Delhi: B. Jain publishers (P) Ltd.2016

2.   Goel S. Art and science of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Third Enlarged and Revised Edition. New delhi. Indian books & Periodicals Publishers.2015

3.   Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine translated by R E Dudgeon. 5th Edition; New Delhi: New Delhi: B. Jain publishers (P) Ltd.2014

4.   HOMOEOPATHIC PHARMACOPIA OF INDIA [H.P.I]. Volume, Govt. of India 1971.

5.   CHOUDHURY H. 50 Millesimal Potency in Theory and Practice (Third revised and Enlarged edition). New delhi. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.2012

6.   Iyer NH. 50 Millesimal Scale Potency – A critical study – Part II.[Cited 18 Jul 2020]. Available from https://www.homeobook.com/50-millesimal-scale-potency-a-critical-study-part- ii/

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